Are you a network marketer? Do you invest long hours in following up this prospective customer or that prospective down line? Very tiring, isn’t it? But then, it is the nature of the Multi-Level Marketing business(as it is also called) itself. A network marketer multiplies his or her time and sales through his or her down lines.
A number of factors determine the success or failure of an individual’s future in the network marketing business.
*The product- Is it saleable? Meaning, is there a demand for it? Next, when is the repeat order going to happen? Let’s say you have some very high quality products to sell, such as kitchenware, and there’s no question about their durability. But here’s the thing, don’t expect any repeat orders any time soon. So, if you expect to generate repeat orders, it is advisable that you join a company which sells high quality and consumable products. Repeat orders mean more business for you and your down lines.
*The Company - Is the company stable and well-established? Does it have a good track record? In the MLM business, it is said that many newly-established network marketing companies fold up within five to six years.
*The Marketing System – Many so-called network marketing companies ask for big registration fees and pay a commission each time a network marketer recruits someone into the business. The Department of Trade and Industry says that if a network marketing company does this, you should be wary because this is an indication of a pyramiding scam. A real network marketing company pays a commission to its associate only if he or she has sold a product or has recruited someone into the business as a consequence of that individual having bought and sold the products himself.
*Attitude- In my mind, this is the most important factor that determines a distributor's success or failure in network marketing. If you want to succeed in this business, you must have a good learning attitude. This means study and learn as much as you can about your products, your company, your marketing plan, etc. Stay away from negative people, you know, the ones who constantly discourage you and tell you why you cannot succeed in life. By the way, it is better that you go with positive people because in MLM, you constantly encounter truckloads of rejection.
On the bright side, being a network marketer means more income- if you work hard and follow the marketing system.
The reality though, is, for every successful network marketer, there are hundreds, if not thousands who fail in the business due to some reason or another.
Being a network marketer offline can be very humiliating when friends and family get tired of your recruiting tactics and consider you a pest. There are also others whose unscrupulous practices make network marketing a bad name.
So, why does the average person fail at network marketing? If you failed at MLM offline, it does not necessarily mean you could fail at it online.
Here’s why(click here)
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